Building a home according to Torah
JewishFamily.org is the official website of Jewish Marriage
Education (JME).
JME was established in 1993 by Rabbi Yirmiyohu* and Rebbetzin
Tehilla Abramov** with the encouragement and guidance of HaRav
Shlomoh Zalman Auerbach zt”l and HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv zt”l.
The Rabbanim were consulted regarding all of the organization’s
Working on a totally voluntary basis, JME’s primary aim is the
enhancement of holiness in the homes of Am Yisroel according to the
traditions of our great sages throughout the generations. Courses
have been given to thousands men and women counselors all over the
Jewish world, including Eretz Yisrael, USA, Canada, England,
Belgium, France, Switzerland, South Africa and South America.
These counselors are equipped to teach brides and review with
married women about Modesty, Taharat HaMishpacha, Shalom Bayit,
Mothering, Parenting and insights into Jewish femininity – the
essence of a Jewish marriage. This has resulted in enhancing the
central role of Jewish women.
JME is dedicated to enriching the Jewish community with a deeper
understanding of marriage and family life, according to Torah.
JME publishes and distributes material, and conducts lectures,
seminars and training programs pertaining to the enhancement of
Jewish family life.
These programs have a profound effect on creating stability in the
sacred institution of marriage and the home, which has been so
tenuous in today’s generation.
“Make for me a Sanctuary and I will Dwell in their Midst”
Shaulzon 44/1 Jerusalem, 9540045, Israel
Tel: 972-8-974-1030
Fax: 972-8-976-0914