Online Course
A deeper understanding of family life according to Torah
This 48-hour online video course includes the Halachot and the Hashkafot of Taharat HaMishpacha, Shalom Bayit and Chinuch Yeladim. Learn how to give over these topics in a clear and effective manner, at your own pace. These classes are given to train suitable and serious women who wish to voluntarily teach brides and married women, including their daughters – giving every Jewish woman the merit to build a true Jewish home.
The course is under the direction of Vaadat HaRabbanim:
Hagaon Harav Simcha Hacohen Kook shlita
Hagaon Harav Yitschock Zilberstein shlita
Hagaon Harav Arye Dvir shlita
with the blessings
Maran Hagaon Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv z”tzl

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