Rosh Hashana Newsletter

Erev Rosh Hashana  5785                                                                                                                                                                   Dear JME Friends

        The central theme of Rosh Hashana is "Chayim", Life. The Anshei Knesset Hagedola inserted into all Tefillot Shemone Esrei additions to be said in the ten days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. All of them have as their central theme: Chaim Life:  Zachreinu "LeChayim", Zocher Yetzurav "LeChayim", Uchetov "LeChayim", Besefer "Hachayim" What is the significance of asking for Life in this manner? Life is not merely a state which is opposite to death. For we see in the Germara in Brachot Daf 18 that "the righteous in death are called alive and the wicked in life are called dead".

The Nefesh Hachaim in Shaar 2 explains, that Chayim is a state of the person’s closeness to Hashem. As is written: "And you who cleave to Hashem are all living today" and therefore when a person is engaged in keeping Torah and Mitzvot, he is strengthening his life. On the other hand a person who is conducting himself contrary to Torah, he is in a sense moving towards death. It is for this reason, explains Rav Dessler zt"l that we mention resurrection of the dead in every Shemone Esrei in the present tense" He resurrects the dead ". We ask Hashem to help us become more alive by getting closer to Him. It is explained that this is the reason the word Chayim features four times in the sentence Zachreynu. This is corresponding to the four components of the soul: 1)The Nefesh 2) Ruach 3) Neshama 4) Chaya Veyichida. We ask Hashem at every level to enhance our lives.                 

The Midrash Rabba says that Moshe Rabbeinu, when informed by Hashem that he was about to pass on from this world and would have a place of honor in the world to come right under the Divine throne, he still begged for life. For life affords one the opportunity of growth, and this is a one time opportunity. At the end of Zachreynu Lechayim we say Lemancha Elokim. We state that we wish to be granted life in order to use it for the honor of Hashem.

 The Torah educator, Hagaon Harav Mishkovsky shlita tells over the following story: A young woman of thirty-five, a mother of nine children, was desperately ill and the doctors had declared that it was a matter of a few hours. She asked her oldest daughter who was by her bedside in the hospital,  to leave the room. Her daughter assumed that she did not want her to be in the room when she passed from this world. She stood outside the door and heard her mother beseeching Hashem:” I know my situation that I am about to die. So I ask you my Father in Heaven, what use will I be to you in another grave in the cemetery? And the few chapters of Tehillim that will be said on my Yahrtzeit, what value will they have compared to my actions in this world? Let’s make a deal. You are Almighty, and can bring health and cure to me in an instant. I promise You that if I survive this illness, I will serve you in a unique way. I am a gifted cook. I will cook every single day delicious nutritious meals for Yeshiva boys without payment.” She finished her short prayer and went to sleep. She awoke shortly after and she  asked her daughter for a glass of water. The nurses refused as they said she would choke. She insisted so they called the doctors for permission. They all stood and watched in amazement as the dying woman drank a whole cup and then asked for more! In a matter of days she had a miraculous recovery and upon exiting the hospital a health lady she asked her husband to take her directly to the nearest Yeshiva. There she offered her voluntary cooking services. Rav Mishkovsky concludes that it has been 37 years since then and she has been cooking daily in this Yeshiva without pay. In the Bein Hazmanim when the kitchen is closed, she goes and cooks in the Mir Yeshiva which never closes its kitchen as there are talmidim from overseas. Rav Mishkovsky explains that the essence of the deal is that we should pray for life which we will use in a meaningful way to heighten Kevod Shomayim- The Glory of Hashem.

May we all merit  the Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Beis Dovid, and the Building of the Beis Hamikdash Bimheira Beyameynu!                                                                                                    

Bebirkas Kesiva Vechasima Tova,                                                                                                                      The JME Family