Fortifying the Jewish Home
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Abramov
A disk for husbands which provides an understanding of the significance of modesty in building the Jewish Home.
(Also available in Hebrew)
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The Married Woman’s Personal Calendar
A companion to “The Secret of Jewish Femininity”, designed to serve as a graphic aid and practical reminder for the practice of Taharat HaMish-pachah. Published yearly according to the Jewish calendar year.
(Also available in Hebrew)

A Perpetual Sunset Calendar
A laminated card re-usable year after year with times for: North America (New York, Monsey, Lakewood, Los Angeles, Toronto and Montreal) OR United Kingdom (London ,Manchester, Tyneside, Glasgow) (Also available in Hebrew with times for Israel)

Laminated Checklist and Prayer Card
Includes prerequisites for immersion; list of suggested items to bring to the Mikveh; preparation and checklist before immersion and a suggested prayer before immersion.
(Also available in Hebrew)

Pretty Pouch for Personal Cloths
A convenient aesthetic lace bag for personal cloths