The Unique Princess Understanding the Significance of Modesty in Building the Jewish Home
Rabbi Yirmiyohu and Tehilla Abramov
This timely book, written in a style which makes it interesting reading, presents an in-depth perspective into the beauty and significance of modesty. The practical approach communicates the important message of modesty as the gift of dignity. Includes approbation by Maran HaGaon Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv zt”l. (Also available in Hebrew, French and Spanish)
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Guidelines for the Medical Practitioner Concerning the Observant Jewess
This concise brochure is a guide for the obstetrician and gynecologist, acquainting him with the basic laws and practices of Jewish women. It is also a very helpful tool for women – to know how to explain these issues to her physician and improve their communication.

Ohel Rachel
Abridged from Sefer Mishkan Yisrael, this concise sefer, written under the direct guidance of gedolei Torah, addresses the topic of mitzvas onah in the light of Jewish tradition. An indispensable resource for counselors of Taharas Hamishpachaand for kallos.

On Setting a Wedding Date
Engaged? Now is the time to set the wedding date. This booklet explains the factors involved and how to choose the best date for the “big day.” Included are, effective suggestions of natural herbs or vitamins to avoid medical intervention, insuring the kallah’s health and well-being. Recommended highly by major Rabbanim, including R’ Yisrael Gans of Jerusalem.

Laminated Checklist and Prayer Card
This convenient card lists:
a quick reminder of the items to bring to the mikva,
preparation checklist to use before immersion
suggested prayer to say before immersion
Also available in Hebrew, Spanish and Portuguese.